Thoughts On New Media: Differentiation and Reorganization

Some Thoughts On New Media:

Differentiation and Reorganization

New technology art’s generation, distribution, and preservation rely on a variety of different emerging technologies and media devices. Artists and institutions try various representative forms: telematic art, virtual reality art, network art, robot art, interactive art, software art, game art, and other new art forms that use new technologies. In addition, the way to preserve art is very important, such as electronic preservation, chemical preservation, data preservation, and so on. There are also cross-effects between various art forms. Corresponding to the new media is the post-media era, which means that different new media forms have their own unique features, and we should also be aware of the differentiation and reorganization of different forms.

Meanwhile, when talking about new media art, "media justice and fairness" is another very important point of discussion, that is, no art form is more advanced than another art form. We can openly discuss the different types of new media art and their formal development and reorganization.

New media art seems to be diverse and difficult to understand. In fact, the creation is based on spiritual perception. Despite the different styles and various formats, it will eventually evoke people's spiritual needs in a familiar way. I hope everyone can use new expressions and artistic strategies to constantly dig the new tech’s characteristics and potential, differentiation and reorganization.


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