Session 2 Introduction to TurtleArt

1.Geometric Drawing Challenges:

  • Look at the list of Geometric Drawing Challenges. Find the challenge that looks the hardest to you and recreate that in TurtleArt. On your blog, describe, in plain english, how you drew your TurtleArt program. 
This seemed a bit difficult for me at first. But when I calmed down to think about the logic inside of it, it's not a big deal.

First, the diameter is 120, so the radium is 60. It's divided into 18 parts evenly, so every part is 20 degrees.

Known the exact number, everything becomes easy. Let the turtle go forward 60, then go back and turn right for 2 degrees. Repeating 10 times, 1 part has been done. After that, turn right for 20 degrees and start the second part of this color... When this color has repeated 9 parts, you may start the second color, but totally in the same way.

Thereafter, such pattern easily shows up!

(Made by me. Since I did't know the exact color number of black, just changed into grey.)

2. Create a TurtleArt program that uses the “random” block (in Numbers) to generate unique artwork. Post this to your blog.

I sued random all in the coordinate, movements and shade.

3. Examine all the blocks available in TurtleArt. Find one that you don’t understand. Find out what that block does and how to use it. Make a TurtleArt program using that block. Post it to your blog. Write about this experience on your blog. How did you learn how to use the block? What strategies did you use?

I'm not sure about the bock 'Forever'. I understood that it may last forever literally, but accompanied with which blocks it can apparently show it's feature? So I just consider, if we have some exact pattern wanted to be create, then we seldom use 'forever', because we've know the final thing. While if we choose to work it with random things (size, color, etc.), it must be interesting.

Therefore, I created a work with endless colorful screen. So the strategy I learned to use this block was just brainstorm and think what would connect to this block so that I could get the feature.


  • Inspired by an existing piece of art, create a unique TurtleArt program. On your blog, describe, in plain English, how you drew your TurtleArt program. Include images of the piece that inspired you (screen shots are fine) and the final PNG of your TurtleArt piece. 

    My work was based on the upper one. It was good but I still wanted some different. I thought it could be an dynamic one so the background and the pattern could be others. I chose the 'forever' block which I learned at the last section and added the random element, so the background could be like a disco one hahaha. For the former pattern, I'd like to challenge myself to a star, so I could calculate the angle of it. And finally I figured out it was 144 degree!

    Here's my final work.


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